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Presidential Elec 2023

View30 Aug 2023TKL message - 1st TV broadcastPresidential Elec 20316
View30 Aug 2023Media release - 30 August 2023Presidential Elec 20496
View29 Aug 2023Media release - 29 August 2023Presidential Elec 20585
View26 Aug 2023Podcasts - TKL in PE2023Presidential Elec 20445
View25 Aug 2023CNA interview - Life story of TKLPresidential Elec 20510
View24 Aug 2023Working relationship between the president and the prime ministerPresidential Elec 201469
View24 Aug 2023My view on lowering the voting age to 18 yearsPresidential Elec 20348
View24 Aug 2023My participation in PE 2023 is caused by FatePresidential Elec 202279
View22 Aug 2023Using the soft power of the president's officePresidential Elec 207081
View21 Aug 2023TKL's initial response to PM's National Day Rally SpeechPresidential Elec 202351
View20 Aug 2023Donation to Tan Kin Lian campaign for President 2023Presidential Elec 208137
View20 Aug 2023Interesting anecdotes about TKLPresidential Elec 20440
View20 Aug 2023How much is our national reserves?Presidential Elec 20449
View18 Aug 2023Certificate of Eligibility to contest the Presidential ElectionPresidential Elec 202105
View17 Aug 2023Message to young peoplePresidential Elec 201787
View17 Aug 2023Reply to Straits Times - rushed deadlinePresidential Elec 201160
View16 Aug 2023Reply to Tharman Shanmugaratnam on the role of the presidentPresidential Elec 203046
View16 Aug 2023My presidential tips for young peoplePresidential Elec 205005
View14 Aug 2023Supporters to share campaign messages virallyPresidential Elec 20541
View13 Aug 2023Helping the ministers to find a better solutionPresidential Elec 20778
View13 Aug 2023How to cope with rising health care costPresidential Elec 201073
View13 Aug 2023Unfair scheduling of the presidential electionPresidential Elec 20794
View13 Aug 2023Launch of Campaign - Tan Kin Lian for President 2023Presidential Elec 203373
View13 Aug 2023Presidential Election CommitteePresidential Elec 20297
View13 Aug 2023Short speech in 4 languagesPresidential Elec 20365
View13 Aug 2023Working relationship between the president and prime ministerPresidential Elec 201249
View13 Aug 2023Visit Tampines HubPresidential Elec 20297
View13 Aug 2023Meet the friendly people on the MRT trainPresidential Elec 20278
View12 Aug 2023My views about George GohPresidential Elec 20495
View08 Aug 2023TKL Message to friends and volunteersPresidential Elec 201847
30 Aug 2023  (316 Views)
TKL message - 1st TV broadcast

30 Aug 2023  (496 Views)
Media release - 30 August 2023

29 Aug 2023  (585 Views)
Media release - 29 August 2023

26 Aug 2023  (445 Views)
Podcasts - TKL in PE2023

25 Aug 2023  (510 Views)
CNA interview - Life story of TKL

24 Aug 2023  (1469 Views)
Working relationship between the president and the prime minister

24 Aug 2023  (348 Views)
My view on lowering the voting age to 18 years

24 Aug 2023  (2279 Views)
My participation in PE 2023 is caused by Fate

22 Aug 2023  (7081 Views)
Using the soft power of the president's office

21 Aug 2023  (2351 Views)
TKL's initial response to PM's National Day Rally Speech

20 Aug 2023  (8137 Views)
Donation to Tan Kin Lian campaign for President 2023

20 Aug 2023  (440 Views)
Interesting anecdotes about TKL

20 Aug 2023  (449 Views)
How much is our national reserves?

18 Aug 2023  (2105 Views)
Certificate of Eligibility to contest the Presidential Election

17 Aug 2023  (1787 Views)
Message to young people

17 Aug 2023  (1160 Views)
Reply to Straits Times - rushed deadline

16 Aug 2023  (3046 Views)
Reply to Tharman Shanmugaratnam on the role of the president

16 Aug 2023  (5005 Views)
My presidential tips for young people

14 Aug 2023  (541 Views)
Supporters to share campaign messages virally

13 Aug 2023  (778 Views)
Helping the ministers to find a better solution

13 Aug 2023  (1073 Views)
How to cope with rising health care cost

13 Aug 2023  (794 Views)
Unfair scheduling of the presidential election

13 Aug 2023  (3373 Views)
Launch of Campaign - Tan Kin Lian for President 2023

13 Aug 2023  (297 Views)
Presidential Election Committee

13 Aug 2023  (365 Views)
Short speech in 4 languages

13 Aug 2023  (1249 Views)
Working relationship between the president and prime minister

13 Aug 2023  (297 Views)
Visit Tampines Hub

13 Aug 2023  (278 Views)
Meet the friendly people on the MRT train

12 Aug 2023  (495 Views)
My views about George Goh

08 Aug 2023  (1847 Views)
TKL Message to friends and volunteers

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