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17 Aug 2023  (1796 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Message to young people
I want to share this message with young people. 

My name is Tan Kin Lian. I am one of four aspiring candidates for the presidential election 2023. 

Many of you may not know me. But if you talk to your parents, they are likely to know me.  

I worked for 30 years as chief executive office of NTUC Income from 1977 to 2007. I run NTUC Income as a cooperative society, so that most of the profits are given to the policyholders, who come from the ordinary people. I also run the cooperative efficiently and frugally, to keep the premiums low and affordable to the policyholders.

I am standing for election to become President of Singapore. If I am elected as president, with a strong mandate from the people, I hope to be able to influence the government to change some of its policies that would make life better for the people. My goals are to reduce the cost of living, make housing affordable and make jobs secure and pay well. 

I believe that all Singapore citizens should feel confident about the future and this confidence will come when they see that the economic conditions are changing for the better.
I believe that the three goals that I have set are achievable when some of the existing government policies are modified. As the president, I will work hard and use the influence of the president's office to achieve these goals. 

If I am elected as president with more than 1.5 million voters, I will have a strong mandate to work with the government to make changes that will make life better for the people. 

I want to address the young voters of Singapore, especially those who are now below 30 years old. 

You have a long future ahead of you. You will probably be around for another 50 years, maybe longer. It is important that you take this opportunity to vote for the right person to be your next president, so that he can influence the government policies to give you a brighter future. 

I am sure that most of you will want to be able to afford to start a family, and this would only be possible if you are confident that you can afford to do so. I will do my best to make it possible for you. 

I am now 75 years old, but I am in good health and will remain energetic, at least for the next six years. During this time, I hope to be able to achieve the three goals that I have set out, and that I can make a difference, a positive difference, to your future. 

If you trust that I can make that difference, you can vote for me. Please also encourage your friends to vote for me. 

Thank you.

Tan Kin Lian

Click here to get a free copy (usual price $6) of my PDF book - Financial Planning for Young People. 


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I hope you can put a different perspective into the lives of Singaporean

John Doe  18 Aug 2023  

I hope that young people will share their views about my post.

Tan KL  17 Aug 2023  

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