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30 Aug 2023  (507 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Media release - 30 August 2023
Embargoed to 10 am on 30 August 2023.

I refer to this news report from Today.

At the media conference held on 27 August, I had made it clear that Dr. Tan Cheng Bock and Tan Jee Say supported me in their personal capacity and not as representatives of the political parties that they are associated. We share a common vision of a president that is independent of the ruling government. They are men of honour who put the country before themselves.

As the presidential election is above party politics, I respectfully ask the media or political analysts from framing this election as "party politics".

If I am elected as president, I will exercise my constitutional duties  with an independent mind and will always act in the interest of the people of Singapore. These duties are to approve recommendations from the government for the use of past reserves, for top appointment into the public service and other matters. 

Tan Kin Lian

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