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22 Aug 2023  (6935 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Using the soft power of the president's office
Embargoed until 10 am on 23 August.

Someone told me that a law professor from a university had suggested that Tan Kin Lian is pursuing an office that does not exist. 

I think the law professor is mistaken. I am pursuing the office of President, which is stated in the Constitution of Singapore. The Presidential Election Committee had issued a certificate of eligibility to me. I have also submitted a nomination as a candidate for the election, and the nomination has been accepted by the returning officer. 

I confirm that I am pursuing an office that exists in the constitution. 

Under the constitution, the president has two specific duties, which are the safeguard the past reserves and to uphold the integrity of the public service.  

Beyond these constitutional duties, I have a vision - to use the president’s office to influence policies that will make a better life for the people of Singapore. I will focus on three fundamental areas, crucial to the well-being of our citizens: bringing down the cost of living, ensuring affordable housing for all, and securing jobs that provide a sense of stability and a path to progress.

From my walkabouts and interaction with the people, I have received enthusiastic support from the people for this vision and the three goals.  I have a strong belief that many people want these goals to be pursued, and they will vote for me to pursue these goals.  

I am aware that the president does not have the executive authority on these matters. However, I point out that it is possible to achieve goals by using the influence of the President's office. This is sometimes described as the soft power. 

I believe that the president has tremendous soft power due to the prestige of his office and from the strong mandate that he had received through the presidential election. He is likely to have received more than one million votes, which is higher than any member of Parliament, minister and perhaps the prime minister. 

Now, I must clarify that I don't intend to be an adversary to the elected government. On the contrary, I hope to work in collaboration with the government to achieve the goals stated above.

I wish to add another point to the real power of the President. Under section 3 (1) of the Inquiries Act 2007, the President may, whenever he considers it expedient to do so, issue a commission appointing one or more commissioners and authorising such commissioners, or any quorum of them therein mentioned, to inquire into — (a) the conduct of any officer or officers in the public service of Singapore; (b) the conduct or management of any department of the public service or any public or local institution; or (c) any matter in which an inquiry would, in the opinion of the President, be for the public welfare or in the public interest.

Many people have asked for greater transparency and accountability. They strongly asked for an end to the approached described as "ownself check ownself" where the government appoints its own people to check on any possible misdeeds by its ministers or other senior officers. Many people do not trust the findings of these internal checks.

Under this Act. the President has the power to appoint independent and suitably qualified people as commissioners to carry out the inquiry and issue an independent report, which will hopefully be regarded by the general public as being more reliable. I intend to use this power when the need arises, such as the recent events that are described as "scandals".

Tan Kin Lian

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Hope you every success

George  25 Aug 2023  

When you are unable to justify why you are suitable to be voted in, you have to resort to smear campaign of your fellow candidate? Why so pathetic?? Linking false accusations written by another shows that you are getting desperate. Nothing good to say about yourself anymore? Have to try underhanded tactics? When you make false accusations to discredit others - that's the meaning of a smear campaign!!!

U R Desperate  24 Aug 2023  

Seh ah seh ah seh ah seh oh ah oh ah oh ah oh oei oei oi oi oi aiya aiya aiya aiya aiya oei oei teck whye lane

Salakau Headman  24 Aug 2023  

Samina Mina Eh Eh Waka Waka Eh Eh Samina Mina Zangalewa This Time For Africa

Samina Mina EhEh  24 Aug 2023  


Gultrall  24 Aug 2023  

Mr Tan sir, I am one of the guys you take picture of on bus 857 sir. Why did you take my photo, I am offended and feel insulted sir.

Chandra Mulligam  24 Aug 2023  

Dear Mr. Tan Kin Lian, I wanted to take a moment to express my thoughts on recent statements that have caused concern regarding potential racial insensitivity. Our society thrives when we foster an environment of inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background. It's important to remember that our words and actions hold the power to influence and shape attitudes.

Hans  24 Aug 2023  

Tan Kin Lian! limpeh is Johnny, I want talk to you. You see me 24/8/23 2.30pm outside Pioneer Mall if not I make sure you lose, I got connections in the government

Salakau Headman  24 Aug 2023  

give us hope for what? pretty girls ah. You're out.

Melvin  24 Aug 2023  


stop racism  24 Aug 2023  

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