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16 Aug 2023  (3055 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Reply to Tharman Shanmugaratnam on the role of the president
1. I wish to give my views in reply to Tharman Shanmugaratnam on the role of the president in the international stage and in safeguarding our reserves.

2.  Mr. Tharman said that the president has to play a role to articulate Singapore's interest when meeting with foreign leaders. I agree.

However, I want to point out that the conduct of our foreign policy is primarily the duty of the prime minister and foreign minister, and not the president. The president should not interfere on this matter.

The president can articulate the key principles of Singapore's foreign policy, which has been decided by the government. These principles are to promote international cooperation, promote international trade, promote peace and to have friendly relations with our neighboring countries, major world powers and other countries that matter to us.

In this regard, I want to point out that I also have experience in international matters. For five years, I was the chairman of an international insurance federation comprising of 127 insurance groups in 65 countries. The larger groups were easily more than 10 times the size of my organization. Yet their top executives elected me to lead this federation.

3. Mr. Tharman also talked about his role as a trained economist and how it makes him most suitable to understand and safeguard our reserves.

I respect Mr. Tharman for being a good economist, but I have to point out that the role of the president is above that of an economist. The president has to provide leadership on how to safeguard the reserves and to use them wisely. He has economic experts to advice on the technical matters.

Therefore, the president has to take the lead to address the key issues, such as:
- Do we have adequate reserves for our future needs?
- Are we having more reserves than are needed?
- Do we need to increase tax and GST to increase the reserves?
- Can some of the reserves be used to reduce the cost of living for the current generation?

4. Mr. Tharman did not mention the role of the president in upholding the integrity of the public service. I look forward to Mr. Tharman's view on this duty and will respond accordingly. 

5.  I now deal with another matter that Mr. Tharman may not have addressed, and that is the role of the president to look at issues independently of the government and safeguard the interest of the people.

Although this is not expressly mentioned in the constitution, it must surely be the primary role of the president who is elected by popular mandate of the people.

In this respect, I hold the view that Mr. Tharman, who has been associated with the policies of the current government for more than 20 years, will not be able to act independently of the government.

6. I wish to bring into the discussion, a different perspective of what the president should be, and should do, for the people.

Tan Kin Lian

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Mr Tan, I agree with you about President's role to make lives better for Singaporeans. However, I think he will have limited role. As you stated in your goal, if elected as president, you can try to influence the government with your opinion and suggestion. It will depend on the government if they wish to implement the suggestion.

Walle  19 Aug 2023  

"Although this is not expressly mentioned in the constitution, it must surely be the primary role of the president who is elected by popular mandate of the people." All the roles of the Presidency are clearly expressed in the Constitution. If you don't see it there, then it wasn't meant to be, even if the President wins 100% of the votes.

Prospero  19 Aug 2023  

" I wish to bring into the discussion, a different perspective of what the president should be, and should do, for the people" Anyone who wishes to pursue the aforementioned agenda needs to run for Parliament and not the Presidency.

Prospero  19 Aug 2023  

The president, elected as Head of state, through popular mandate has reasonably strong advisory power to the executive branch of government , as Mr Tan campaigns on cost of living, housing and job security issues, and related matters .

Emerson  19 Aug 2023  

On your point 5, if it is not in the constitution, one cannot just say we should also have it in. If the elected president cannot decide how a policy is made, you cannot say that it should be part of the constitution and want it to be included just because you are president. If a president can do everything in the current constitution well, he/she is already a good president.

Pete Chang  19 Aug 2023  

  19 Aug 2023  

Totally agree with your views.

tay bh  19 Aug 2023  

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