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13 Aug 2023  (1254 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Working relationship between the president and prime minister
The elections department has recently issued the guidelines on the role of the president as set out in the constitution. I now give my views on these guidelines. 

If I were elected as the president, I intend to adopt the following approach in my working relationship with the prime minister.

I intend to have private discussions with the prime minister, on legislation and government policies, where I have views that differ from those that are held by the government. I hope that this will be a two way process of consultation and that the prime minister will find my contribution to be constructive. It may offer to him and his ministers a fresh perspective that they might have overlooked.

The private discussions should be kept private and that this etiquette should be observed by both parties. This will build trust on both sides and will encourage both sides to collaborate with each other.

We need to focus on the problems faced by the people and find the best solution to deal with them. All parties should avoid playing politics, as they distract them from focusing on the problem.

The government should also adopt an open approach towards dealing with these issues and should not think that they have the mandate to make all of these decisions on their own. They should listen to the views of the people and treat them respectfully.

I intend to keep in touch with the aspirations of the people and bring them into my private discussion with the prime minister.

The government should also be willing to learn from the actual experience. If their policy does not work, they should be ready to make changes.

I look forward to a cordial, collaborative and constructive working relationship with the prime minister.

Tan Kin Lian


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Agree on the private working relationship between the two leaders. Would the ruling party even agree?

Zhong  15 Aug 2023  

The ministers should not think that they hold the sole mandate of the people. The president also has the mandate of the people, as reflected by the large number of votes that he has received directly. Both sides should respect each other and work constructively to find the solution to the challenges ahead.

Tan KL  13 Aug 2023  

I was giving a reply to the questions raised by the ST journalist.

Tan KL  13 Aug 2023  

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