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24 Aug 2023  (1475 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Working relationship between the president and the prime minister
One candidate agreed that the president has soft power but the soft power will only be effective when there is good relations between the president and the prime minister. 

I agree with this view.

If I am elected as president, I will seek to have good relations with the prime minister so that we can find a better way to achieve our common goals, for example, to reduce the cost of living, make housing affordable and provide secure and well paying jobs. 

It is easy to have good relations when the president agrees with most or all of the existing policies of the government. However, this would not benefit the people who want some of the existing policies to be changed. 

For example, the government is taxing the people too much, especially on the GST. If GST can be reduced or scrapped, it will be a big relief for the people.

It becomes a challenge when the president, in conveying the views of the people, have to ask the prime minister to review some of the policies that cause unnecessary hardship to the people. We have to find the working relationship to deal with this challenge.

The relationship between the president and the prime minister has to be on an equal basis, with each party giving respect to the other party. 

As the president, I will convey the hardship of the people and their aspirations to the prime minister and work with him to modify some of the government policies, so that they can produce better results. 

I believe that the prime minister will cooperate with me to achieve the goal of making life better for the people. 

I do not believe in playing politics. We should be focusing our attention on how to find better ways to meet our common goal. 

I ask the people to give me their vote, so that I have a strong mandate to convince the government to make the necessary changes. 

Tan Kin Lian 

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Go TKL!!! You have my fullest support

Wynna  24 Aug 2023  

While we ordinary singaporean will like to have a car but the coe is crazy. I don’t understand why government don’t dare to tax those rich people in Singapore but instead makes singaporean difficult life just to meet our ends meet. Government will say you can take public transport but pls think to have a car or take public transport when going out with family? We can’t simply apply this formula which import mid age foreign to become singaporean, which will result ageing population even faster.

Future hope  24 Aug 2023  

You are an inspiration to people, not just Singaporeans. At age 75, you are making a comeback. Another person at age 60 successfully fulfilled a longstanding dream. These real-life examples teach us not to give up hope when everything seems hopeless. Tomorrow can be a better day.

MSGA  24 Aug 2023  

Buyer stamp duty is one time and appreciation of price can eventually more than offset but property tax is for lifetime.

MSGA  24 Aug 2023  

Huge increase in property tax for large private homes and 2nd home onwards. Will collect extra revenue as well as help prevent hoarding with the FOMO mindset. Do it in phases.

MSGA  24 Aug 2023  

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