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14 Aug 2023  (548 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

Supporters to share campaign messages virally

1. For all supporters, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you play an active part to share my messages virally to ALL of your contacts.

2. Please create a WhatsApp group and add all of your contacts. Say, you call it PE2023 (your name) support Tan Kin Lian

3. Every day, you will get several messages from this chatgroup.

4. You can select all of the messages for the day and share them with your personal chatgroup.

5. These messages will be shared with all of your contacts. This is how your can share the messages virally.

6. Please add me to your personal chatgroup, so that I know that you have done your part. I will leave the group after a few days.

7. If you are not familiar with the steps, please ask your friend. Some of them will be familiar.

8. Don't worry that some of your friends do not like the sharing. They have the option to leave your personal chatgroup.

9. You can continue to add new contacts in your personal chatgroup. Your contacts can add their contacts as well. Your list will grow.

10. Thank you for your support. Please, please do your part. OK?

Tan Kin Lian

If you wish to join the main supporter's group, where you can get messages and videos to post in your personal group, click here.

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