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View26 Sep 2024Feedback to DBS on card paymentTan Kin Lian - Persp5327
View22 Sep 2024Protocol to stop credit card fraudTan Kin Lian - Persp1911
View22 Sep 2024General election 2024/5Tan Kin Lian - Persp4131
View21 Sep 2024Travel to Forest City by busTan Kin Lian - Persp3951
View21 Sep 2024Stop thieves from using stolen credit cardsTan Kin Lian - Persp1598
View03 Sep 2024National anthem of People's Republic of ChinaTan Kin Lian - Persp3311
View01 Sep 2024Cost of High Speed RailTan Kin Lian - Persp1868
View01 Sep 2024Dispute over government subsidiesTan Kin Lian - Persp2324
View01 Sep 2024High speed rail between Singapore and Kuala LumpurTan Kin Lian - Persp1301
View31 Aug 2024Income plans to remove MHS insurance schemeTan Kin Lian - Persp3662
View20 Aug 2024Malaysian land bridge to bypass Straits of MalaccaTan Kin Lian - Persp2239
View20 Aug 2024Display the destination sequence number (DSN) on the busTan Kin Lian - Persp2829
View19 Aug 2024HDB flat size to start a familyTan Kin Lian - Persp7423
View18 Aug 2024GST should be totally scrappedTan Kin Lian - Persp1908
View18 Aug 2024Pricing of HDB BTO flatsTan Kin Lian - Persp2628
View18 Aug 2024Adequate salary for a government ministerTan Kin Lian - Persp1448
View14 Aug 2024Two options for the High Speed Rail between Singapore and Kuala LumpurTan Kin Lian - Persp2334
View13 Aug 2024Purchase products online from Lazada MalaysiaTan Kin Lian - Persp4045
View13 Aug 2024The harm of social mediaTan Kin Lian - Persp2528
View13 Aug 2024Living in JohorTan Kin Lian - Persp5683
View12 Aug 2024Visit Forest City and IskandarTan Kin Lian - Persp2915
View12 Aug 2024Visit JB for food and shoppingTan Kin Lian - Persp2933
View12 Aug 2024Tips for a foreigner on using Ali Pay in ChinaTan Kin Lian - Persp1587
View12 Aug 2024How to handle the riots in the UKTan Kin Lian - Persp1763
View12 Aug 2024Improve the use of the Thomson East Coast lineTan Kin Lian - Persp2280
View21 Jul 2024Land bridge proposed by ThailandTan Kin Lian - Persp3255
View18 Jul 2024Promoting Work from HomeTan Kin Lian - Persp6293
View13 Jul 202460 year leasehold propertyTan Kin Lian - Inves6144
View22 Jun 2024Dishonest practice of auto-renewalTan Kin Lian - Persp301
View22 Jun 2024Verified profilesTan Kin Lian - Persp5391
26 Sep 2024  (5327 Views)
Feedback to DBS on card payment

22 Sep 2024  (1911 Views)
Protocol to stop credit card fraud

22 Sep 2024  (4131 Views)
General election 2024/5

21 Sep 2024  (3951 Views)
Travel to Forest City by bus

21 Sep 2024  (1598 Views)
Stop thieves from using stolen credit cards

03 Sep 2024  (3311 Views)
National anthem of People's Republic of China

01 Sep 2024  (1868 Views)
Cost of High Speed Rail

01 Sep 2024  (2324 Views)
Dispute over government subsidies

01 Sep 2024  (1301 Views)
High speed rail between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur

31 Aug 2024  (3662 Views)
Income plans to remove MHS insurance scheme

20 Aug 2024  (2239 Views)
Malaysian land bridge to bypass Straits of Malacca

20 Aug 2024  (2829 Views)
Display the destination sequence number (DSN) on the bus

19 Aug 2024  (7423 Views)
HDB flat size to start a family

18 Aug 2024  (1908 Views)
GST should be totally scrapped

18 Aug 2024  (2628 Views)
Pricing of HDB BTO flats

18 Aug 2024  (1448 Views)
Adequate salary for a government minister

14 Aug 2024  (2334 Views)
Two options for the High Speed Rail between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur

13 Aug 2024  (4045 Views)
Purchase products online from Lazada Malaysia

13 Aug 2024  (2528 Views)
The harm of social media

13 Aug 2024  (5683 Views)
Living in Johor

12 Aug 2024  (2915 Views)
Visit Forest City and Iskandar

12 Aug 2024  (2933 Views)
Visit JB for food and shopping

12 Aug 2024  (1587 Views)
Tips for a foreigner on using Ali Pay in China

12 Aug 2024  (1763 Views)
How to handle the riots in the UK

12 Aug 2024  (2280 Views)
Improve the use of the Thomson East Coast line

21 Jul 2024  (3255 Views)
Land bridge proposed by Thailand

18 Jul 2024  (6293 Views)
Promoting Work from Home

13 Jul 2024  (6144 Views)
60 year leasehold property

22 Jun 2024  (301 Views)
Dishonest practice of auto-renewal

22 Jun 2024  (5391 Views)
Verified profiles

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