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08 May 2022  (315 Views) 
Political systems

Election committee of Hong Kong

The election of the leader of Hong Kong is decided by an Election Committee. It comprised of 1,400 members, comprising of nominees from various sectors of the economy, religious organizations and ex officio members taken from the government.

The function of the election committee is to elect the chief executive and 40 members of the legislative council (out of 90 members).

This is, in some ways, similar to the Electoral College system adopted in America. The electoral college comprise of members elected by the voters and they finally meet to confirm the election of the president and vice president. 

Although the electoral college appears to have some authority in the final election process, in actual practice, the power of the electors are tied by law, i.e. they are required to vote according to the majority wishes of the voters in their state.

In many countries, e.g. France and Philippines, the election of their top leader is made by the majority voters of the people in the country. There is no intermediate body like the electoral college in America. 

I wish to give my personal views about the key difference between the two systems:

- election committee/ college
- direct choice of voters

I prefer the election system adopted in Hong Kong (which probably mirrors the process adopted in China).

In general, most individual voters are not knowledgeable about the issues concerning the governance of the country. They are more likely to select leaders based on "popularity". 

I prefer the leader to be elected by a smaller group of electors, who are themselves elected by the popular votes of their respective constituencies. The smaller group of electors are more likely to make a better choice. 

I prefer the system adopted in Hong Kong.

Vote - do you agree with my views?

Tan Kin Lian


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