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08 May 2022  (476 Views) 
Political systems

Weakness of democratic systems
Democratic systems often produce bad outcomes. It is difficult to get the majority of people to agree on the rules that govern their society.

If we examine the governance of America, which promotes that their system of democracy to other countries, we can see that they could not agree on the following issues:

- gun control
- abortion
- drugs

What is the alternative approach?

We can look at the major religions of the world - Islam and Christianity. Their derive their authority from the word of Allah or God. Their authority is not derived through a "democratic process".

All the believers of the religion accept the word of the divine authority. They do not debate or argue over the matter. 

In the course of history, certain groups have broken away from the main body to form their own church or sects. Even so, these new groups accept the authority of their leaders. They do not continue to argue over the issues.

Maybe, the governance of a country should be authoritarian.

Tan Kin Lian 

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Democracy is simply government by the people through rule of the majority. Sure, it has weaknesses even during elections where an intelligent vote can be cancelled out by a foolish vote. Functions best in an ordered community where individual and societal values and interests are balanced and aligned.

Kelvin Ng  08 May 2022  

Even the late LKY acknowledged that the one man one vote system (OMOVS) is a very tough system to operate. On paper, it is an ideal system but that is only on paper. In reality, in order to have a properly working democratic system, the vast majority of the people must be properly informed and they must take a keen interest in their politics, however, the reality is far from being so. A OMOVS can be easily hijacked and manipulated by wealthy, cunning and ruthless people and the world has no lack of

Simon Lim  08 May 2022  

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