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21 Aug 2021  (436 Views) 
Out of the box

Use social media
Social media is an excellent platform to share knowledge and learn the truth.

It is also a platform for people to talk nonsense and show their stupidity. They make comments without understanding the topic.

It is sad that most people chose the negative route.

Here is the positive route that I follow.

Before I give my views, I read and try to understand the view that was presented by the writer.

If the view was badly presented, I will not make any comment, as there is the risk that I misunderstand the topic.

If I understand and agree with the view, I will give a short comment to express my agreement. I will try to add a point to show that I had understood the original post. It will show that I appreciate the effort that has been made by the writer.

If I hold a different view, I will state my view and give the reason to back up my view. I will not pass any judgment on the original view, as I do not presume that my view is correct and the other view is wrong.

Most importantly, I avoid making personal remarks.

Tan Kin Lian

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