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19 Aug 2021  (740 Views) 

My positive attitude towards development in Afghanistan
I have posted several views that conveyed a positive attitude towards the Taliban that has now taken control of Afghanistan.

I explain the reasons for my attitude.

In recent weeks, I have viewed reports of the diplomatic activities of the Taliban in getting the support of neighboring countries, including Russia, China and other neighboring countries, towards their organization. This happened prior to their gaining control of Afghanistan.

Several of these activities are covered in detail in the videos produced by Alexander Mercouris. The links to these videos are shown here.

Talk in Russia  
Talk in China 

I have watched several of his other videos in his channel on the development in Afghanistan. 

I know that Alex M is pro Russia and pro China. I know that he has bias in his presentation. I do not believe every statement that he makes. But I must say that I find many of his points quite convincing.

I find him to be interesting as he gives a point of view that is not covered in the western media. 

In this videos, he reported that the Taliban had made several promises to Russia and China about their policies for the future governance of Afghanistan. The promises include the formation of an inclusive government, treatment of women, relations with neighboring countries, control of terrorist groups in their country and the development of Afghanistan.

After they took over the country, they repeated these assurances to the international media. 

I also observed the rapid fall of the cities in Afghanistan to the Taliban, with little casualties.

I saw that the Taliban soldiers had behaved quite responsibility towards the civilian population, especially in their takeover of the capital city of Kabul. Their fighters are quite disciplined.

All of these developments contributed to my positive attitude towards the Taliban.

My view is quite different from most other people who still harbor a negative attitude towards the Taliban. They remembered how the Taliban behaved in the earlier years when they were in power in Afghanistan and when they were fighting the Nato forces who occupied their country.

They were influenced by several reports about how the Taliban terrorists treated women who joined them or their savagery towards their enemies and the civilian population.

Most of these reports were from the western media. I suspect that the reports could be biased or exaggerated. 

I prefer to observe how the Taliban has behaved recently after they have taken over Afghanistan. So far, I am encouraged by their words and recent actions.

Many skeptics said "only time will tell". They prefer to hold a negative view until a future time when the actions make them change their mind. I think that most of them will not changed their prejudice, whatever happens. 

I prefer to hold a positive view, based on what I see happening now. I will also watch future events (i.e. "time will tell") to see if I have to change my mind.

In the meantime, I send my best wishes to the people of Afghanistan. I hope that they will have a better future under the Taliban.

Tan Kin Lian


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