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14 Aug 2021  (493 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Confusing to have QO and SHN
My friend said that all incoming travelers are placed on quarantine. 

I told him that only those who are tested positive are placed on Quarantine Order (QO) and the others are placed on Stay Home Notice (SHN).

I showed him the guide posted in MOH website. 

We finally agreed that the misunderstanding was on the word "quarantine". He considered the SHN to be a quarantine that can be conducted at home or in a special facility. 

Since this two orders were introduced over a year ago, I have also been confused. I only managed to understand the difference by reading the two guides carefully.

To add to the confusion, the SHN can be in designated places or at home. Similarly, the quarantine can be done at designated places or at home.

The key difference is that the QO comes with an allowance of $100 a day that the affected person can make a claim. If he is paid the normal salary, the employer can make the claim. 

In other aspects, the QO and SHN appears to have similar restrictions on movement, testing and reporting. 

Instead of creating a special category called SHN, it would be clearer if it continues to be called QO (maybe designed as type 2 - which does not have any allowance).

We need to make our schemes simple. We should also use simple terminology so that people can understand what is required. 

Tan Kin Lian


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