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01 Aug 2021  (716 Views) 

Can the people in China question the CCP leaders?
Someone said - people in China does not question their CCP leaders.

I disagree with this statement. Here are my reasons:

1. On many issues, the CCP leaders get the views of the experts, e.g. academics and professionals. They study the views, discuss them with the relevant people and make their decisions. 

2. Most of the ordinary people do not know the subject well. They are informed about the reasons for the decisions taken by the CCP leaders and they generally trust that the decisions are for the greater good of the country. 

3. People with dissenting views or grievances can voice them through the social media. The CCP leaders monitor the social media carefully and address the concerns that are legitimate. 

4. Some of the dissenters have bad motives, e.g. working for foreign powers, vested personal interest, etc. The CCP leaders will rightly ignore these views. 

5. Some dissenters voice their objections in violent and unlawful ways. They break the law on public security and are dealt with according to the law.

I am not saying that the CCP leaders make the correct decisions in all cases. But I find that their approach is better than the approach used in many countries that are supposed to follow the "democratic system" and enshrine "freedom of speech". 

Tan Kin Lian


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