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12 Jul 2021  (410 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Opening up the economy
I suggest that the task force issue this statement to explain their new approach of "living with covid".


We implemented restrictions under the Heightened Alert phase for four weeks. 

During this period, a total of over 600 community and imported covid cases were recorded. 

There were 3 deaths due to covid complications. Most of these patients were already in poor health. The covid infection contributed to their deaths. This is a relatively small number.

The number of covid patients that needed oxygen supplement remained below 20 during the entire month. Most of these patients recovered from their infection. 

In spite of more cases, especially of the delta variant, the serious cases remain under control.

The casualty rate in Singapore has been low. This is surprising when compared to the large numbers of infection cases and deaths reported in some nearby countries, such as India, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Singapore managed to contain the virus quite well. The virus appears to be relatively mild in Singapore.

There were a few cases of infections recorded among incoming travelers during the mandatory Stay Home Notice. Most of these cases turned out to be mild.

The restrictions that were imposed during the Heightened Alert phase might have contributed to the lower infections. But even among the 600 cases of infections that were reported, the virus appears to be quite mild.

The restrictions during the past weeks have caused disruption to the business, work and livelihoods of many people. This economic damage will continue to be harmful, if the restrictions are extended.

After considering the risk and benefits, the task force has decided that it is safe to change the strategy and adopt the approach of "living with covid". 

This decision was taken with the goal of reducing the harmful economic impact of the restrictions.

For the immediate future, all the restrictions will be removed, except for the wearing of masks on public transport or at large gatherings where masking is mandatory.

Some people may think that it is not safe to relax the restrictions. We advise them to take the precautions that they consider to be advisable.

We suggest the following precautions, which can be taken on a voluntary basis:

a) Wear mask if you are in close contact with other people

b) Take your temperature a few times a day at the DIY temperature scanners that are placed at high traffic areas. If your temperature is above 37C, you should report to a testing center where you will be tested for free.

c) Carry the Trace Together app or token whenever you are outdoors.

The task force will set up covid testing centers at locations easily accessible to the public. The testing will be carried out free. If you have to be quarantined, you will receive an allowance of $x a day to cover any loss of income.

The task force will monitor the infections and hospital admissions daily to see if the situation remains under control.

If there is a large increase in hospital admissions, new restrictions may be introduced. We hope that this will not be necessary.

Task Force

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