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23 Jun 2021  (598 Views) 

Leadership of the Communist Party
China is governed under the "leadership of the Communist Party".

Many people look on this system as a dictatorship and criticize it for lacking democracy. It deprived the people on the right to vote and select their leaders to govern the country.

I share a different perspective.

The Communist Party comprise of 100 million members. They comprise of people who pledged to serve the country and the people and are educated about their role as party members.

These members eventually select the leaders who govern the country at the provincial, municipal and national levels.

I find this system to be democratic and effective. 

Liberal democracies give all the citizens the right to vote. Most of the voters were not able to exercise their right in a rationale way. This led to a situation were their votes can be bought through corrupt means. 

Often, the wrong leaders were elected.

Many voters were disillusioned with the voting process. They were disinterested to vote. The voting turnout in countries was generally low, in countries that did not make voting compulsory.

In China, the right to vote for the leaders of the Communist Party lies with the 100 million members. This process ensured that capable and effective leaders were elected to govern the country.

Some westerners criticized the political system in China as being entrenched. If the government is bad, the people do not have the power to change the government.

I disagree with this view.

There is election within the Communist Party. If the leaders are bad, the election within the party allowed new leaders to be elected. There were significant changes in the leadership of the Communist Party over the decades.

I believe that the political system adopted in China is better in selecting capable leaders for a country. It also allows the leaders to be changed when the need arises.

Tan Kin Lian

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