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22 Jun 2021  (713 Views) 
National Environment Agency

Clearing the table at food courts
NEA has introduced a new regulation that imposes a penalty on customers who do not clear the table after eating their meals. 

This has provoked an angry reaction from some people who felt that this approach is over bearing. In other civilized societies, the habit is achieved through educating the public.

I share my view on this matter.

Most people will be willing to clear their table, if there are signs that tell them clearly where to leave their plates and utensils.

I have seen a few food courts where the signs are clearly displayed.

I have also seen other places where there are inadequate signs. The customers will have a difficult time to find the location to return the trays.

I suggest that NEA should inspect all the food courts to ensure that there are proper locations to return the trays and that the signs are clearly displayed.

I consider that this is the first step that NEA should take, before they consider imposing the penalty.

I hope that NEA will consider this approach.

Tan Kin Lian

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