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16 Jun 2021  (1080 Views) 
Political systems

How to deal with racism
Racism is now an issue in many countries. It is also getting into the limelight in Singapore. 

We need to understand the root cause of the racist behavior before we can effectively address it.

I wish to give my perspective. 

The root cause of racism is economic stress. When people are under economic uncertainty, stress and pressure, they vent their frustration and anger on other people. When the target is people of other cultures, it is perceived as racism. 

It is also easier to target people of other cultures and to blame them for our social and economic problems.

But, the angry people also vent their anger on their own people as well. Sometimes, they act on their family members.

I look back to the more relaxed economic environment that prevailed several decades earlier. Most people were able to make a living and do not have to worry about economic competition. People of different cultures and religions generally live in harmony.

This happened in most countries, including Singapore. 

To solve the problem of racism, we should tackle the underlying cause of economic uncertainty. If this is dealt with effectively, racism will reduce considerably. 

It is in human nature for people, who are positive about their own future, to show goodwill and friendship to other people, including those of other cultures.

I want to cite the example of the economic progress achieved by China over the past three decades. It has uplifted the living standard of the people at large. 

Although China comprised of over 60 ethnic minorities, the people were able to live in harmony and respect the cultures and religions of other inhabitants.

I do not wish to paint a picture of perfect harmony. Some people will, on occasions, act in a manner that is insensitive to people of other culture and religion.

They are the actions of some individuals. They are not a systemic behavior of the majority ethnic group. 

As long as it is not deliberate, it should not be considered as racism. The perpetrator can be polite reminded or ignored. He might just have had a bad day.

While people should be sensitive to other culture and religion, it is also important for the minority groups to be understanding and avoid being over-sensitive to perception of oppression. 

Life is give and take. We should avoid prejudice developing into deliberate racism, but we should not be over-sensitive to isolated incidents.

Tan Kin Lian

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