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25 May 2021  (690 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Is mRNA vaccine suitable for children?
A group of doctor wrote an open letter urging the government to avoid the use of mRNA vaccine for children. They were worried about the long term impact of this vaccine, as it uses technology that have not been proven.

The minister of state for health (Dr. Koh PK) express "aghast and disappointment" at this open letter, and was clearly annoyed that the open letter might create unfounded fear and confusion among the parents.

This is reported here: 

I think that the concern of the doctors, which was expressed clearly in their open letter, is valid.

We do not really know what could be the long term impact of the mRNA vaccine on the human body. 

It would be better for the minister to acknowledge the concern of the doctors, and express the view that the risk of long term harm from the mRNA is quite low. The mNRA vaccine has the advantage of a higher level of efficacy.

The parent can then decide on the choice of a mRNA or a more conventional vaccine.

Tan Kin Lian


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