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28 Apr 2021  (480 Views) 
Political systems

Polarized political system in the US
The political system in the US is in deep crisis.

The two parties, Democrats and Republicans, are deeply divided. They disagree on many political issues based on ideology, rather than on common sense or logic.

They do not address the real issues facing the ordinary people and do not seek to find the soltuions that are for the good of the people.

They even resort to telling lies or make wild exaggerations to argue their point. 

Here is a paragraph from a column by Paul Krugman, a well known economist.

Today's column was about reasons right-wing politicians believe they can lie to their supporters about what the Biden administration is up to, especially although not only with regards to climate policy. As I said, the Republican line is that Democrats are going to take away all the good things in life, when the reality is that the Biden team is very much not calling for any serious crimping of Americans’ lifestyle.

This is the weakness of a democracy that is based on a two party or a multi party system. The situation in the US is probably an extreme example of the weakness of a democracy.

Some countries have a democratic system that works well and provides the right kind of political leaders that bring progress to the country.  But the bad examples seem to be more dominant. 

I hope that the western democracy can solve this crisis and evolve a system that can be a good example to other countries. 

Tan Kin Lian


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