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19 Feb 2021  (85 Views) 

Don't rely on Govt for indefinite help
I am surprised that many can still afford to buy new private homes, given the complaints I hear about job losses, reduction in pay and difficulties in managing finances due to the Covid-19 pandemic (Strongest January private home sales in 8 years, Feb 16).

It was stated that Singaporeans accounted for about 83 per cent of transactions.

I urge the Government to focus assistance on the lower-income and the elderly, who are the ones who really need it, since those who can afford to purchase new private homes can obviously manage well on their own.

As Covid-19 will be here for a long time, companies must make changes to adapt to the new business environment, exit industries that clearly will not survive, and enter industries that can survive (and even do well) during these pandemic times.

I hope people will not continue to expect indefinite help from the Government. People need to learn to make changes to adapt to a new lifestyle as a result of the pandemic.

Susan Tan Lin Neo


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