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06 Sep 2020  (894 Views) 
Movement for change

Insane thinking of many people
I suspect that many people in Singapore are insane. They have a strange way of thinking. Their logic appears to be bizarre.

Let me quote this example.

I observe that our approach towards Safe Entry is wasteful and unproductive. We are employing many people to take Safe Entry data and there are duplication of data collected every day.

I suspect that the data are not suitable to use. Most of the data collected are wasted.

Apart from the cost of collecting the data, which I suspect to be largely useless, the protocol also cause a lot of hassle to the general public.

My Safe Entry records have to be collected 1 or 2 dozen times each day. When I visit a mall, I have to provide Safe Entry data at most shops.

I suggested a more efficient way to collect the Safe Entry data. It will bring down the cost of collecting the data significantly and provide data that are more useful.

The people who disagree with me outnumber those who agree with me, quite significantly. They did not tell me why.

I suspect that they like to see elderly people employed to collect Safe Entry data, as it is a way to let them have a job. 

Surely, there should be better ways to give people more meaningful jobs to do, rather than to "hassle the public" with useless protocols?

I am convinced that the insanity has spread to a large part of the population in Singapore. Many people have warped thinking. They cannot think logically.

Tan Kin Lian


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