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16 Aug 2020  (385 Views) 
Movement for change

How to express a view without appearing to be arrogant?
I posted a photo of foreign workers working on the roadside and added the comment - Future jobs for locals. I will write when I return home. I am now walking in the hot sun, composing a poem.

X made this observation - Let's be realistic, most of us are educated, hence it is not a good comparison. Even ITE grads would qualify as supervisor positions.

TKL - Do not use the words - let's be realistic. It reflects arrogance. Do not presume you are right. Do not pass any judgment before you hear and understand the view of the other party.

X could not understand why I found his attitude to be arrogant. 

Here is my explanation. He could have said - My opinion is that locals will not find the job acceptable. I would find that remark to be acceptable, as he is expressing an opinion.

But he used the words - let's be realistic. It implied that my views are not realistic. I find it rude and insulting. How can be pass a judgment without listening and hearing my point of view? 

Even if he had heard, what makes him so clever to judge that he is realistic and I am not?

I hope that X understand why his words can appear to be arrogant to other people.

Tan Kin Lian


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