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10 Aug 2020
Ministry of Transport
Need to rationalize public transport
The minister for transport Ong Ye Kung explained about the cost of operating public transport in the Bukit Panjang area in this letter to the Straits Times.
He explained why it is necessary for his ministry to remove two bus services to streamline the public transport services in the Bukit Panjang area.
But the problem is not restricted with that specific area only. It probably occur with many other parts of the island.
We have overbuilt on the MRT lines and still run a complicated network of over 300 bus services. There is duplication and low usage in many bus services
I suggest that the minister publish the figures on the deficits that are being incurred in each MRT line and bus service. This will help the public to understand the need to further rationalize the public transport services in many parts of the island.
There is a case for public transport to be subsidized. However, we still need to rationalize the system so that the subsidy is more or less the same for all services. There is no point to have some services that are being operated inefficiently with low ridership compared to other services.
I have raised this issue on several occasions during the past year. I have raised this issue on several occasions during the past year. I have observed that some services have too many buses relative to passengers. The buses seemed to be under occupied most of the time. They also appear more frequently.
I have wondered why the ministry did not study the data of rides and rationalize the frequency of the bus services. I consider that this will be a necessary first step.
I suggest that the starting point is to publish the comprehensive data for the public to be aware of the situation. The minister can then form a panel to study and recommend the rationalization and restructuring of the public transport system.
I hope that the new minister takes this step.
Tan Kin Lian
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