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21 Jul 2020  (441 Views) 
Workforce Singapore (WSG)

Outdated form made available to the public

I obtained a form from the Internet to recruit an unemployed PMET under the Career Support Program (CSP) of the government. It was quite troublesome to locate this form because there were links all over the place to point to different pieces of information.

I send the form to the applicant to complete it. After that, I had to complete the form by typing over the particulars of the employer, i.e. TKL & Associates.

I submitted the form to Workforce Singapore, which administers the scheme.

Guess what happened?

I received a prompt reply, telling me that I had used the wrong form. The officer enclosed an updated form.

I now have to go through the troublesome process of getting the applicant to complete the form again and, after that, to type over with the company details.

Fortunately, I have access to an online tool to type over the PDF. Otherwise, it can be quite troublesome to print out the form, write in the details, and scan it back.

Why do they need me to sign the form when I am already submitting it after logging into the website with my SingPass?

It looks like WSG is still relying on manual signature.

I want to share this experience, so that the people in charge in WSG and other government agencies realize that their current method of putting the forms "all over the place" in their website has its flaws, namely that the public may inadvertently retrieve the outdated form and not realize it.

WSG should have a better way to present the latest forms for the public to access. I am building a prototype website to show how it can be done.

Tan Kin Lian

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