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21 Aug 2018  (429 Views) 
Ministry of Health

Provide Health Promotion Board with basic information
I suggest the Ministry of Health should provide the Health Promotion Board with access to basic information, so that they do not have to duplicate their work to create the same information in their database, or to keep asking patients for the information.

I was asked if I had a colon examination. I did. It was done at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. The date and status of this health check should be provided to Health Promotion Board. They should not have to ask the patient for this information.

I also had a full blood test done at a private laboratory. I would be happy to give permission for the test reports to be lodged with Health Promotion Board, if they had asked me. 

Why are we spending so much time for HPB to update their database with unreliable information, such as asking patient for it, rather than to access to the information that is already captured.

We do not have to wait for the eHR system to be made compulsory (and this will now be delayed with the SingHeath cyber attack) and for hundred of million dollars to be spent to launch it.

There is already much useful information that is available in our current processes. 

Tan Kin Lian


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