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06 May 2021
Economic coersion
My crystal ball CB stated this conversation.
CB - Boss, in Anchorage, Alaska, American secretary of state Anthony accused China of economic coercion against its ally, Australia. What does it mean?
TKL - It means that China is applying trade sanctions against Australia to force it to alter its foreign policy and not interfere in China's domestic affairs.
CB - Isn't that what America has been doing to China during the past two years under President Trump?
TKL - Yes, it is the same.
CB - Does it mean that America can apply trade sanctions and China cannot? America expects all countries to follow the "rule based system", isn't it?
TKL - America considers that it is an "exceptional" country. It set the rules for other countries to follow. Being "exceptional", it does not have to follow these rules.
CB - It seems to be bullying other countries. Is this a good behavior? Should America set a good example?
TKL - America is so powerful that it believes that what it says is right and other countries must follow what they say. The follow the mantra - do what I say, not what I do.
CB - Does this mean that their rhetoric is hollow, and not based on what is right, and what is true?
TKL - Long ago, the native American Indians said that the "white man speaks with forked tongues". It seems that the Americans have continued this habit for a few centuries.
Shhh, don't tell Anthony Blinken, OK?
Tan Kin Lian
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