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19 Jan 2019  (322 Views) 
Ministry of Education

Mark exam scripts in Singapore
There was a recent incident where examination scripts were lost in transit for marking in the United Kingdom. Some people asked - why can't we mark the examination script in Singapore? This will stop the incidence of loss of examination scripts in transits. I recalled this loss also occurred a few years earlier.

I am in favor of marking the examination scripts in Singapore - but not for the reason given. If examination scripts are lost in transit, they can be prevented.

Millions of parcels are being handled daily, including several that are posted under proper tracking. The delivery company has the means to ensure that they are delivered. There is no reason for the parcels to be lost. If they are lost, they can also occur within Singapore.

A more important question is - can we mark the scripts? Do we have sufficient people who are capable of marking the scripts? Is our standard of English as good as those in the UK?

I believe so. We must have good quality teachers. We can use retired teachers for marking. We need to ensure that they are up to date, but this can be handled. If necessary, they can go for skills upgrading, right? Is this not what SkillsFuture is for?

We also need to ensure that the marking is done properly. I envisage that the markers can report to a marking center and the scripts given to them at random without any names. This will ensure that the marking is carried out impartially and fairly.

We also need a way to handle appeals. If a student complaints that the marking is done unfairly, a supervisor can check that the work has been carried out properly. This process is also not difficult to handle. We only need to know how to deal with these issues.

I say, let us make the change now. Let us mark our examination scripts in Silngapore.

Tan Kin Lian


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