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14 Dec 2018  (180 Views) 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Make ASEAN more relevant

PM Lee is the current chair of ASEAN. He will relinquish this seat by rotation at the end of 2018.

As the chair, he has the opportunity to make ASEAN more relevant. He could ask ASEAN to step in and find a solution to the territorial dispute between Singapore and Malaysia.

Some people will say that ASEAN is not useful in solving this kind of dispute. I feel that he should give ASEAN a chance.

ASEAN can never be relevant when its member countries, and its chair, undermine its role by not giving it the opportunity to do something useful.

How can other countries respect ASEAN when it cannot help to solve the dispute between two member countries?

He still have two more weeks to do something for ASEAN, right?
He should not miss this opportunity.

Tan Kin Lian

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