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24 Dec 2023  (1474 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

Is covid vaccine harmful?
The topic of the benefit and harm of the mRNA vaccine is complicated.

The health authorities mandated the use of the vaccine in 2020. There is a large following of people who disagreed with that decision. The objectors were active in spreading the materials against the vaccine.

I have viewed some of the materials. I found the reasoning to be flawed. For example, the mRNA vaccine might be harmful for some people, but it cannot be concluded that it was harmful for the majority.

The objectors advanced another argument, namely that the health authorities should not have approved the vaccine and mandated its use in a hurry, before the vaccine was proven to be safe.

I disagree with the objectors. It is the responsibility of the health authorities to make the judgement. The objectors should respect that authority.

Many objectors continued to send many anti- vaccine materials for me to review. I declined, as i considered it to be a waste of time. Furthermore, I am not an expert on the subject and my opinion will not carry any weight.
I took 2 jabs of the vaccine and 2 boosters previously, when the covid virus was severe.
I believe that the latest strain is mild, and it is not necessary for me to take another booster. Many people appear to share the same opinion.

I also believe that the mask is not helpful and not necessary. I prefer not to wear a mask outdoors, even in crowded places, although many people prefer otherwise.

Recently, I was alarmed by the excess death in Singapore. The statistics showed that the deaths in Singapore in 2022 was more than 20% higher than 2019. A friend explained that the vaccine caused a drop in the immune system in the body and resulted in a higher incidence of cancer, organ failure, etc

Another person suggested that the drop in immunity was caused by the virus itself, rather than the vaccine. I have decided to keep an open mind on this matter. I will continue to pay attention to research but I will focus on credible sources.

Tan Kin Lian

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