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30 Nov 2023  (896 Views) 
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives

Pay to access individual article
Each day, I receive emails from media platforms giving a summary of the new articles in their websites. I like to read some of these articles, but they require me to subscribe to the platform. I usually decline to subscribe, as I do not have time to read the articles in their platforms regularly.

If these platforms allow me to make a payment of say $0.05, to read that article, I would be happy to do so.

It may be troublesome for each media platform to set up this feature, i.e. to pay for individual article.

It should be possible for an entrepreneur to set up a platform for the reader to register, and to access the articles from participating news platforms. This aggregator platform will handle the collection of the fees and payment to the news platforms.

I have been toying with this idea for several years, but has not found the right approach. Any suggestions?

Tan Kin Lian

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