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19 Nov 2023
Tan Kin Lian - Perspectives
Implement a restructure of the public transport in stages
I suggested that the public transport system be restructured and rationalized to produce the following outcomes:
a) Potential to save S$1 billion a year in operating expenses
b) Use the MRT system as the backbone for long distance travel, supported by feeder buses
c) Reduce the waiting and travel time of commuters.
My proposed system is shown
A major reorganization will upset many commuters. I propose that this change be done in two stages
Stage 1. Reduce the trunk service by 50%, and use the freed up buses to provide feeder services to bring commuters to the nearby MRT station.
The commuters will find that they are able to use the feeder bus to the MRT station and travel to their final destination on the MRT system, instead of the trunk bus service. The waiting time for the feeder service should be 2 minutes. This journey may require more transfers and walking, but the overall travel time may be reduced.
Some commuters may prefer to use the trunk service but the intervals will be doubled. They may have to wait 20 minutes for their trunk service. This long waiting time will encourage them to try the MRT option.
Stage 2. Identify the trunk services that are lowly used and reduce the frequency further, to achieve the saving in the operating expenses. Some of the trunk services, which are poorly used, may be discontinued.
Tan Kin Lian
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