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30 Jul 2023  (2721 Views) 

Assisted death
1. Prof Tommy Koh said.

I thank Salma Khalik for her column on whether our laws should be changed to allow for assisted suicide and euthanasia.

As I am 85 and rapidly approaching the end of my life, I am been thinking about death. I have come to the conclusion that it is irrational for our laws to prohibit assisted suicide and euthanasia. We should follow the example of Switzerland and some other countries in this respect. Switzerland’s laws have legalised assisted suicide. Belgium, Canada and the Netherlands have legalised euthanasia. I think our laws should legalise both assisted suicide and euthanasia.

If I have a terminal illness and am in constant pain, I think the law should allow me to end my life .

2. Maria May commented.

This issue needs a National Conversation and not a decision made by a minister or ministry as it involves the consensus from various religion and race. Secular consideration include as to ensure safeguards from foul play such as murder or insurance claims.

3. TKL commented.

My view is that it should be an individual person's choice - not religious bodies or the government. The government can apply safeguards, but the final decision should be the taken by the person.

We should also remember that it is costly to keep a person alive, and the burden is carried by the family. If the state want so stop that person from ending his life, the state should bear the full cost of keeping that person alive.

It is all right to consult the religious bodies, but the government should make the final decision. I would not let the religious bodies place a ransom over this decision, as they may have vested interests.

The religious bodies can advise their followers over the decision that they take for their families. That is their job.

Tan Kin Lian

Give your views - should the state allow a terminally ill patient to opt for assisted death or euthansia?

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Yes. assisted suicide is a basic right.

John  29 Aug 2023  

This issue needs Parliament to engage in a focused debate. It takes time and careful preparation. This is the job of the law minister (to propose) and Parliament to consider.

Tan KL  30 Jul 2023  

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