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23 Jul 2023  (4959 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

A ceremonial or active president?
Many people accept the narrative that the elected president's role is largely ceremonial.

I disagree.

The president has two important duties set out in the constitution, namely to safeguard the past reserves and to approve key appointments of senior public officers.

The president can use these powers to influence the policies of the government especially where these policies require the use of past reserves or concern the appointments of senior public officers.

The president should not rubber stamp the policies of the government. He or she should ensure that the policies and actions enhance the well being of the country and the people.

It is important for the voters to vote for an elected president who is able to act independently of the government and is able and willing to perform the constitutional duties actively.

It is also important for the elected president to work in cooperation with the government to find solutions to address the formidable challenges facing the people, namely to bring down the high cost of living, provide affordable housing and secure and well paying jobs.

While these responsibilities come under the government, the elected president, being older and more experienced than the ministers, can provide a different perspective and guidance to the ministers.
The constitution has set a high standard of eligibility for the president. His knowledge and experienced should be used and not wasted.
The president should also be ready to use his power to call for an inquiry into possible abuses, gross negligence and wrong doings of ministers and senior public officers.

The citizens should expect the president to put in his best efforts to work with the government to achieve a better future for the country and the people.

Tan Kin Lian

Give your comment. Do you prefer a ceremonial president or a more active one?

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I prefer more active. If ceremonial then we can reduce the salary or do away with this post.

Belvick Lee  03 Aug 2023  

Our country doesn't have a king as the head of state, so a President is the head of the state. Our country democracy is based on the Westminster parliament system, where the Prime Minister, together with the cabinet, runs the country. The Prime Minister is the head of government. The head of state should be a ceremonial one, he shouldn't interfere, not even influence the government. If anyone wants to interfere or disagree with the government, it is better and more fruitful for him to contest in GE

Keynes  03 Aug 2023  

I would prefer the president to play a ceremonial role as the country has been run by government already, better not to interfere it to avoid the conflicts as presidential role is more on ceremony. If wanting to participate in policy making, better to stand for GE.

Gains  02 Aug 2023  

Being a regular man on street, I prefer an active president. My humble opinion, why spend so resources and waste a productivity day the Public to vote for a ceremonial role? These resources could be better deployed than to host a puppet show. On the other hand, generally I'm not interested in the politicians but the policies that affect me. This is where I would want an active president who works with the govt and helps to make Singapore better for everyone. Thank you for reading my opinion :)

Pang Ching Soo  24 Jul 2023  

If I were to contest the presidency, I would pursue an active role, to improve lives for the ordinary people.

Tan KL  23 Jul 2023  

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