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06 Jul 2023  (5773 Views) 
Presidential Elec 2023

My Lack of Interest in PE 2023 - Musing #1

Having actively participated in the presidential election of 2011, my experience left me disheartened. Despite investing a significant amount of personal funds, exceeding $100,000, and enduring a grueling campaign that spanned several weeks, I received less than 5% of the votes and lost my $50,000 deposit. This outcome was a profound personal disappointment.

The aftermath of the election proved to be equally challenging. I was unjustly blamed by some for splitting the votes and allegedly causing the defeat of their favored candidate, Tan CB, by a slim margin. Such baseless and malicious accusations implied that the presidency was somehow owed to Tan CB, undermining the essence of fair competition.

For the upcoming presidential election, I have already retired from my full-time office by more than 16 years, surpassing the qualifying period of 15 years that was in place during the 2011 election. Hence, I would be ineligible. However, I recently learned that the qualifying period has been extended to 20 years, which made me eligible. I am puzzled as to why the government made this change.

It occurred to me that the other two losing candidates from the 2011 election, Tan CB and Tan JS, might also qualify under the current rules. I thought that they would stand a better chance, since they garnered more votes than I did previously. However, I later discovered that these two candidates would not meet the current requirement of having run an organization with shareholder's equity of $500 million, an increase from the $100 million requirement in 2011. Consequently, I am the only candidate among the three who remains eligible under the revised criteria.

Despite my eligibility, I find myself uninterested in pursuing the presidency. I am now 75 years old, and my family members strongly object to my involvement due to the traumatic experiences they endured during the previous election, including ridicule from certain individuals who knew them. 

I was happy to learn that George Goh has expressed interest and enthusiasm in participating as an independent candidate, offering a refreshing alternative to the ruling party. He has assembled an impressive team and devised a compelling campaign strategy. Unfortunately, some friends have informed me that George Goh does not meet the candidacy requirements and is unlikely to be approved.

Under these circumstances, my friends have urged me to enter the race in order to prevent a walkover. They perceived that it is a "duty" for me to participate, given my eligibility. If I were to accept this duty, would there be a reciprical duty for those who wish to see an independent president to come forward and actively support my candidacy?

One suggestion proposed that I submit my application for eligibility and, in the event that George Goh's candidacy is approved as well, I could withdraw my application to avoid splitting the votes. This course of action would be seen as a noble gesture made in the interest of the people.

However, if George Goh's candidacy was rejected, I might have to stand against the candidate supported by the ruling party and would face significant disadvantages. Without the backing of a political party, I would struggle to effectively reach out to the people and communicate my message.

What should I do? As the days unfold, I hope for some form of enlightenment that may provide clarity and guidance regarding my potential involvement in the upcoming election.

Tan Kin Lian

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This post did not age well. And probably will not even after the PE2023.

Vintage  20 Aug 2023  

I was the minority to give my vote to you last PE but it was not enough. I know you through Income as a part time Organiser and enjoy the insurance selling then under you. It was a satisfying part tiime career. For this PE please be smarter this time round.

  10 Aug 2023  

I know u will do your best once you join in.

Belvick Lee  03 Aug 2023  

At the glorious age of 75, it is time to be answerable to yourself first, and not what some "friends" might suggest. Ask yourself what is it that you truly want, and not solicit opinions of others to determine how you should live your life. Stay true to yourself and you should have your answer. You have already made compelling considerations on the impact your ambition have on your family and your mental well-being in your post and should take that in mind when you make your final decision on this matte

Stay Focused  31 Jul 2023  

But I think he should participate if it's a two horse race. He would definitely not lose his deposit this time since 30% votes are guaranteed. while Tharman's 40% hardcore ruling party votes are guaranteed. that leaves the 30% fence sitters. 2 statistics to comprehend. 1) based on the outcome of the last GE (60% pap, 40% opposition), 10% of them would want check and balance by another party. 2) based on the 3 horse race of the Tans, only 33% voted for pro-Ruling vs nearly 57% for non-ruling). So i

cutnpaste  07 Jul 2023  

You should still apply for the certificate just in case. If no one else is declared eligible, many Singaporeans would view you as a hero just for preventing a walkover.

Eligible  07 Jul 2023  

Your first paragraph is the answer. Forget it, enjoy your retirement.

Anon  06 Jul 2023  

LHL mentioned that PAP candidates unable to perform satisfactorily without GRC support, when he introduced the GRC system. Now there is no GRC support for Presidential candidate. Candidate without GRC support can be nervous.

Lee Joo Mong  06 Jul 2023  

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