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05 Jun 2023  (1242 Views) 
Ministry of Environment

Trash bins
Trash bins

There is a shortage of trash bins in public places. It is difficult to find a trash bin when it is needed.

Some people said that the trash bins could be a security risk as terrorists could plant explosives in bags that are kept in the bins. I find this reason to be incredible. Terrorist could leave explosives in crowded places that could cause more harm.

Anyway, there are not many incidences of exploding trash bins for this to be a real risk. It is more likely to be imaginary.

The real reason could be the shortage of workers to remove the trash from the bins.

I like to suggest how the disposal of trash can be better organized to solve the shortage of labor and also to achieve the goal of recycling.

a) Provide large trash bins for different types of materials (i.e. different bins for paper, glass and metal) at trash centers located on the ground floor of apartment blocks or near street corners (for landed houses).
b) Stop collecting of trash at individual houses. The householders can deposit their trash centers.
c) Many people go to the bus stop for their daily travel. It is not difficult for them to carry the trash bags to the trash centers along the way.
d) Those who drive cans top their cars near the trash centers.
e) Encourage the households to have separate trash bags for different types of trash (for recycling).
f) Collect the trash from the trash centers a few times each day.

Ordinary people have been used to throwing trash down a chute in a HDB block or in a bin outside their house. They can change their habits to bring the trash in a bag to the trash center.

We need a more efficient way to collect the trash.

Tan Kin Lian

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