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12 Mar 2023  (1383 Views) 
Smart Nation

Clean up the messy system of communication
I sent this feedback to the Smart Nation office, and the minister in charge.

Dear Smart Nation, Minister
I find our approach towards a smart nation to be quite messy.

I now share my latest experience in retrieving a bill from SP Group.
SP Group, like many organizations, follows our smart nation initiative to go paperless.

I logged into the SP Group app to retrieve my bill. My experience is stated in this Facebook post

The comments to this post showed that many people are facing the same issue with SP Group.

My phone has more than 10 apps from different organizations. I have to install the apps just to read their communication. I do not
need the other services provided by the app. Often these services cause me to get confused and distracted.

I call on Smart Nation to review its practices (and advice to government and business organizations) regarding paperless communication.

My suggestions are:

a) Allow customers to receive the communication by email (in unencrypted form) , if this option is requested by the customer. I suggested the communication be unencrypted because it was extremely troublesome to download and decrypt the communication using the password adopted by each organization.

b) Set the framework to approve portals to receive business mail from these organizations for their users. These portals will have to comply with regulations from IMDA on security, privacy, etc. I prefer to sign up to an approved portal to receive all business mail (instead of getting them from a separate app from each organization.

If our smart nation initiative is to succeed, we need to clean up the current messy system.

Tan Kin Lian

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