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10 Jan 2023  (409 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Was the covid vaccine helpful?
1. How effective is our covid vaccine?

2. I received 2 vaccine jabs and 2 boosters. It did not protect me from being infected on 4 January. I had a running nose and sore throat, which worsened over the next two days. I was tested positive on ART on 7 January and was placed under stay home notice (SNH) by the ministry of health (MOH) for 7 days.

3. My infection did not require me to be treated in hospital. The symptoms were somewhat uncomfortable. They were not as mild as I had expected. I managed to get rid of the running nose and sore throat after two days of medication (using Linghua Qingwen). The medical symptoms disappeared but my ART test continued to show positive result.

4. In their website, MOH stated that the vaccination did not prevent the infection, but prevented the virus from causing serious illness.

5. Earlier, I had accepted this statement to be credible. I now want to open up this question - did my vaccination protect me from being severely ill, or was the omicron variant already quite harmless? If I was not vaccinated, would I be more severely ill? I would not know the answer.

6. There are many cases of people who have been infected. Most of them were vaccinated and some were not. Most of them had recovered and some were severely ill. It will be useful to carry out a detailed study to find out if the vaccination was really useful. I hope that MOH will make this study and publicize the findings. This will help to strengthen public confidence for future vaccinations.

Tan Kin Lian


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I have not taken any vaccination after my dad(age84) died of vaccine injury on Oct2021. My mom(age82) did not take and still alive.

Michael Lee KY  10 Jan 2023  

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