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09 Jan 2023  (302 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Spread of virus through surface contact

When the covid virus was first detected in late 2019, the health experts said that the virus could spread through surface contact. The infected person could leave the virus on surfaces and an uninfected person could touch the virus on a surface and transfer the virus by toughing the eyes with the hand.

They recommended the frequent washing of the hands with sanitizer after touching surfaces.

I found this recommendation to be incredible. Although it was possible for the virus to be transmitted through this mode, it was highly unlikely.

Anyway, it led to increased sale of sanitizing solutions and a booming manufacturing and distribution industry for a short period.

I felt that it is easier for the virus to be transmitted by breathing the air emitted from an nearby infected person.

There were several reports that the surgical mask was not effective in stopping the transmission. However, I reasoned that if the mask does reduce the transmission by 90%, it would be quite useful for most situations.

It would be sensible for a medical person who attend to covid infected persons many times in a day to wear a higher quality mask, such as the N95 for protection. I reasoned that this is not necessary for ordinary people who walk outdoors.

The fear of covid transmission through surfaces still linger with paranoid people.

Although the health experts do not mention transmission through surface contact now, they do not dispel it either. It is safer for them to allow the fear to linger, so that they can be "on the safe side".

I am not a health expert, so I do not wish to challenge the experts. But I wish that the experts can use their common sense and speak out on this issue, so that the people can return to their normal lives as soon as possible.

Tan Kin Lian

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