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16 Oct 2022  (1092 Views) 

Why does China continue the covid zero policy?
My friend explained China's covid zero policy along the following lines:

- China does not lockdown the entire country when there are covid cases
- They divide each city into districts and only lock down the districts with covid cases. When no more new cases are found, the lockdown is lifted for that district.
- Due to the low vaccination rate, they do not want to take the risk of a widespread infection that may cause severe illness on the people without immunity. 
- Even if a district is lockdown, the authority allow workers to continue their work under a closed loop system. The workers have to stay in the workplace and keep contact with only its own circle of contacts. They are not allowed to go home and get into contact with other people along the way. 

Using this lockdown by district and closed loop system, China was able to minimize the disruption to its economy.

My friend said that he heard this explanation from the top disease expert in China. This is the recommendation of the top professionals and accepted by the political leadership.

Tan Kin Lian


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