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03 Apr 2022  (449 Views) 

Look beyond personal reasons and self interest
Many people are unhappy with the "communist government" in China. You can find them in Taiwan, Hong Kong and in Singapore.

Many of these people have reasons to be unhappy with the communist government. In many cases, they came from wealthy families that had a good life before China fell to the communists. 

These families could be wealthy landowners, merchants and industrialists. 

The change of government caused them to give up their wealth, power and good life that they had built up and enjoyed for past generations. 

The communist government had no choice. They have to implement land reform and other types of economic reform to give a better life to the majority of the people. 

I read stories that the communist government tried to accommodate the wealthy families. For example, when the government confiscated the land for redistribution to the peasants, the wealthy families were allowed to keep their own plot of farm land and another plot to rent out and earn an income.

This may not be sufficient to the wealthy landowners, but it was probably the best that the communist government could do under the circumstances. 

It was also possible that some people and families were badly treated by the communist government. This probably occurred at local levels by the local party officials. Some of these officials were corrupt and abused their powers. 

It was likely that these were isolated cases. They were likely to be non-systemic.  

No government, communist or otherwise, could act in an abusive manner and get the support of the people at large. It is important for people to view their personal circumstances with circumspection. 

Even if the abuses were on a large scale, which did occur during the cultural revolution, it was a mistaken policy that had happened during a period of time. After that period passed, the government stopped the bad policies and changed them to better policies. 

No government is perfect. The western government, operating under a "democratic systems" also made similar severe mistakes. 

A person should not hold a grievance for a lifetime. They should be circumspect and look at the bigger picture. 

We need a government that improves the lives of large numbers of people and changed to be a better government for the future. 

Tan Kin Lian


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