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24 Mar 2022  (605 Views) 

China's dispute with neighboring countries over South China Sea
China has disputes with neighboring countries over South China Sea. The neighboring countries viewed China as acting like a bully over this dispute as China is powerful economically and militarily. 

I wish to suggest the following approach for China to resolve this dispute.

I am not a scholar on this matter. I will share my layman understanding of this issue.

After the conclusion of World War Two, the international powers agreed to place the South China Sea under the sovereignty of China. This is the origin of the "nine dash line" that demarcated the area of the seas that "belong" to China.  (Edited: I am not able to find evidence that the international powers agreed to China's claim for the nine dash line - TKL).

Subsequently, the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Seas specified a 12 nautical mile limit as the territorial water of each country and a 200 nautical mile limit as its economic zone.

The dispute is probably over the 200 nautical mile limit of economic zone. The neighboring countries consider that they have the right over that economic zone, while China considers that it falls within the nine dash line.

There are probably two types of natural resources that are available within the economic zone - fisheries and minerals. 

I suggest that China allows the neighboring countries to harvest the fishery resources within the economic zone, as it is probably the means of livelihood for the fishermen in these countries. 

As China is now quite advanced in technology, it is able to grow fishes through large scale farming. It can afford to allow the natural fishes to be harvested by the neighboring countries within their respective economic zones.

If China can make this concession, and allows the fishermen to continue their livelihood, it will remove the perception that China is a bully, and create a friendly atmosphere for the other issues to be discussed and settled.

The drilling of mineral resources in the disputed economic zones is a separate issue. I am not able to suggest any solution to this dispute. Perhaps, it has to be decided by multi lateral negotiation among the affected countries. 

There is a separate issue of the reclamation of certain islands and building of military bases by China. I understand that China needs these bases for its defense and to step foreign powers from sending their navy close to the China shores. 

I see a legitimate reason for China to feel secure about its naval defense. I suggest that possession of these islands should be for the purpose of defense and should not be taken as creating a economic zone around the islands.

I hope that it is possible for China and the neighboring countries to agree on a settlement of their dispute and the template that I have suggested might be a way forward. 

Tan Kin Lian

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