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22 Mar 2022  (338 Views) 
Out of the box

How to solve a problem
I apply the following approach to solve a problem:

1. Look at the problem holistically.
2. Break the problem down into distinct parts
3. Identify the parts that can be solved, based on past knowledge and experience.
4. Carry out trial on the other parts and find the possible solution
5. Put them together.

I am usually able to find a complete solution to the problem.

This is how I solve a tangram puzzle as well.
It worked perfectly. 
I can solve a difficult tangram puzzle using this approach. 

Tan Kin Lian

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Hi Mr Tan, I'm trying to find a post where you share tips on how to be effective at work from your past experience. Can you kindly repost it?

John  23 Mar 2022  

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