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13 Mar 2022  (505 Views) 

Is China an oppressive regime?
Someone posted a comment in my Facebook page - do you know that China authority imprison people who have a different opinion from the people in power. Many people have disappeared in this manner. 

I wanted to ask him to show evidence of his allegation, but I decided against it. He would probably be able to locate some old western media reports that contained this kind of allegation. 

He probably relied on the report to form his opinion, which probably hardened over the years. 

I have know of other China critics who are able to talk about having met people whose family members or friends who encountered this bad experience. 

One thing is common among these critics. They hate the autocratic communist regime in China and held the view that this is a bad form of government. 

I do not wish to argue with these critics. It is pointless. They will not open their mind to another viewpoint. 

Even if there is truth that people were locked up in the past for opposing views, and may have disappeared for various reasons, it probably happened in the many years in the past. It is probably rare in today's China.

When a government acts against its people in an oppressive manner, there could be some good reason. Some people are subversive. Some work under the influence of foreign powers. 

The government could be threatened with social disorder or chaos. They cannot let matters get out of control. 

It is important for outside observers to view matters in the proper context, and listen to reports from both sides. They should not form strong opinion based on one sided narratives. 

I follow this approach and keep an open mind. I do not know if the reports of oppressive measures are true, but I would not pay much attention to what happened many decades in the past. I am not able to judge from the circumstance at that time. 

I prefer to see what is happening today in China or in any other country. 

I avoid making judgment or condemnation when I do not know the facts. I prefer to keep an open mind and have a positive view of all the parties. Each have their reason. 

I can only urge them to reconcile their differences peacefully.

Tan Kin Lian

Vote - do you agree with my view that we should judge a country based on its current actions (not the past)?

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i don't believe that China is an oppressive country, it has had issues in the past certainly and the way that the Falun Gong was dealt with is one of them. Of all the first hand reports of Westerners living and visiting China that i have seen there have been nothing but glowing remarks of and for China and her people. It's easy to spot the agenda of those who would spout against China and her government using only third hand or biased media as their source of information and who never ever attempt to corrob

Rena McVicar  14 Mar 2022  

No need to.look far for the oppressive ones. They are in our midst.

  14 Mar 2022  

Many other countries or government are also oppressive for their own selfish, authoritative or other undemocratic reasons

  13 Mar 2022  

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