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12 Feb 2022  (569 Views) 

Provide useful jobs during the pandemic
During the past two years, many regular workers were retrenched and school leavers could not find jobs. This was due to the economic disruption caused by the covid pandemic. 

The government created jobs for "safe entry ambassadors" to enforce the safe entry recording at food centers, malls and other public places.

At the initial stage, this recording appeared to be useful. Later, with the spread of the mild and wildly infectious omicron, the safe entry recording appears to be useless. 

However, the government continues with this practice. 

It is wasteful to get people to get people to do unproductive and useless activities. 

I suggest a few alternative jobs that are useful and can help to give employment to the unemployed people. 

1. Nurse assistants. These assistants work for 4 or 6 hours to help the nurses in hospital to care for the patients. It will relieve the workload on the nurses. 

2. Teacher assistants. These assistants work for 4 or 6 hours to help the teachers to take care of the students. It will relieve the workload on the teachers. 

3. Welfare assistants. These assistants work for 4 or 6 hours to keep in contact with 100 residents living in a neighborhood. The assistants  keep in contact with the residents and help them with health protocols or to access to welfare services. The contact can be done by whatsapp. This will relieve the welfare agencies from having to make direct contact with the residents.

The above jobs can keep a large number of people gainfully employed. It also allows the workers to learn useful skills in their jobs in the hospitals, schools or neighborhoods. 

After getting the exposure, some of them may opt to become a full time nurse, teacher or welfare agency officers. 

I hope that we can create useful jobs that have a positive impact for the future, even after the pandemic is over.

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Tan Kin Lian


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Have to train them & only can try to test how many can work or even show up..

  13 Feb 2022  

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