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31 Jan 2022  (91 Views) 
Singapore Police Force

Police will explore new uses as drone technology develops

We refer to the letter by Mr Chua Boon Hou, "Expand use of drones by police" (Jan 26).

The police currently deploy drones across a range of settings and scenarios such as search operations, crowd management, public safety operations, aerial patrols and enforcement operations.

The potential use of drones in managing traffic accidents, such as in documenting accident scenes, is currently fulfilled by other means. For example, the Traffic Police use a 3D scanner to process protracted and time-critical accident scenes for analysis, as well as for accident scene reconstruction.

We are constantly exploring technology as a force multiplier. This is why we have incorporated drones into our policing operations and, in particular, are looking to deploy beyond visual line of sight drones.

These drones are typically housed in self-sufficient drone stations and can be quickly deployed over long distances, including in inaccessible or risky environments, for security operations and to support civil emergencies.

This will allow police and other agencies to make faster and better decisions in deciding what resources need to be deployed to deal with the incident.

As drone technology develops further, the police will explore new use cases. We thank Mr Chua for his suggestions, and his support on the use of drones by the police.

Brenda Ong (Superintendent)
Assistant Director (Public Communications Division)
Public Affairs Department
Singapore Police Force


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