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25 Jan 2022  (215 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Is it necessary to check in and out on TraceTogether so often at this stage of pandemic?

I commend Singapore on the way it has dealt with the Covid-19 pandemic. I am a British expatriate and feel grateful and privileged to be here during such uncertain times.

TraceTogether was a brilliant tool at the start of the pandemic, but I wonder if it needs to be used as widely as it currently is (Almost all in Singapore on digital contact tracing programme, Jan 21).

Malls have check-in points, and shops inside the malls have their own check-in points. To me, this is excessive for this stage of the pandemic.

It might be worth moving away from such systems, especially for the elderly who struggle with technology, as well as for tourists who might find the excessive number of check-in points stressful and cumbersome.

I realise proving one's vaccination status before entering a place is paramount, but could the country centralise these checkpoints better, to reduce the need to check in and check out so often?

Melanie Ralph


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