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16 Jan 2022  (637 Views) 

Beef up the police to deal with crimes
Some people were shocked that 470 customers of OCBC bank were scammed and fraudulent transfers were made from their compromised bank accounts. 

They asked - why did the authority not act earlier to stop the scam?

I give my view on this issue, i.e. the lack of action.

I have observed for several years that there is lack of clarity on the agency that should take the lead to deal with a problem. It seems that several agencies are involved and each agency depends on the other agency to act. 

For example, in a case like this scam - which agency is involved? Should it be:

a) Police
b) MAS

I am clear that it should be the Police. They should take the lead. They have the powers of investigation. They have experienced officers to handle such matters. 

The Police can get the technical assistance of the other agencies, such as MAS or IDMA, but the Police should take the lead.

This requires the Police to have more human and technical resources to deal with the increased workload to combat the crime. 

I believe that the problem had occurred a decade ago, when agencies (such as the Police) are asked to keep freeze their headcount. 

This is counter productive. It ends up with other agencies getting the additional resources, but they do not have the competence to deal with the criminals.

It is deplorable that the crime was not dealt with effectively by the Police for so long, that it now involves so many people being scammed. 

Tan Kin Lian

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The onus is on the clients and then the authorities for not having cinsiderxto take measures yo prevent beside otp may wish to consider a 2nd key b4 transfers o er a substantial amount or suspicioys transfers be implemented technically SPF shoulf have the resources

  16 Jan 2022  

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