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12 Jan 2022  (215 Views) 
Covid-19 crisis

Ease curbs on seating at eateries as more return to the office

Since the start of the year, 50 per cent of those who can work from home have been allowed to return to the office.

But based on my experience last week, the current policies in place are not ready for this return, let alone to treat Covid-19 as endemic.

Crowds are forming during lunch time at places such as coffee shops, hawker centres and foodcourts.

Many tables and seats are still blocked off due to safe distancing restrictions. This results in people clustering around tables looking for seats, or sharing the limited number of tables because other tables are blocked off.

If sharing tables with strangers is acceptable, I do not understand why so many tables and seats are blocked off because it would be better to ease the restrictions and just give everyone more space.

I also do not understand the rationale for the strict restrictions given the high vaccination rates and the fact that only vaccinated individuals can dine in.

Mark Sng


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